Wednesday, 17 April 2013

In my Opinion!!!

We have intentionally put ourselves in a social predicament! We now live in a dilemma, a situation whereby the mass conveniently believe there is no any other choice than to accept the detriment of a particular problem, not because it can’t be resolved but because resolving it is a problem that could consequently leads to other problems. A social mess whereby abnormality becomes the new normality and amorality now dictates the ideals to the multitudes. What an awful social setting where people have no concern for integrity, personality and identity because they are over-zealously in search of a fleeting popularity, faddy political position, dirty money and other sham life, regardless of where, how and what is the source; be it from scamming, stealing, killing, lying and sundry other illegalities and amorality. Such social problem is becoming so critical to the extent that, preaching against any of those dishonesty and unlawfulness in religious houses is insurmountable; they are easily condoned than condemned. We are witnessing a social challenge where parents do not only encourage and support these illegalities, they are now boldly proud of their fugitive and culprit progeny. A social challenge that has turned criminality to a talent and criminals are now like celebrities or monarchy chiefs with sufficient cultural backings needless to be remorseful, shameful or apologetic.  Scammers now receive social hailing and mass ovations. They are now the new role models for the upcoming youths, because the aim of most teenagers now is not to beat them but to join them. Crooks would now cite poverty as their sound justifications to their atrocities. Kidnappers would blame their outrage on the government incapacities. In my opinion, these are nothing but offenses that can’t be curbed neither with constitutional enactments, legislative nor judiciary laws.  They are sins that can’t be easily controlled with spiritual lecturers and religious scriptures. They are social challenges that are becoming the new custom, legacy and tradition in which anthropologist would not be able to prevent. The only medications I strongly think can treat these social syndromes are governmental, parental and self-reorientation, governments and parents need a lot to do in reshaping the minds of the young on what is right and wrong, the importance of fidelity, integrity and identity should be informally educated and no matter how the condition may be, scamming and stealing from people is never a reasonable panacea and every reasonable mind should know that there can never be an acceptable rationales for cruelty.