Tuesday, 17 September 2013

I am yet to understand

A friend of mine told me recently that if he ever has a chance to preside over a country as a president, he will enact secularity or force atheism on every citizenry of that nation. He said because “religion” has been the main cause and force behind most of our societal unrest, dispute and diversity to mention the least. My friend believes that religion that is supposed to be a unifying force has otherwise proven the opposite. At first, I wasn't sure if I should agree or disagree with my friend, because whatever I decide has to be justified convincingly. After I had pondered deeply to my friend’s opinion, I also affirmed the fact that religion has been the usually proclaimed reason for so many insurgencies nowadays. It is the reason why so many children have been made orphans. The main reason why so many women have been turned widow. And why so many family has been made homeless. It is also the so reason the peace in some community has been forcefully exchanged with brutal bedlam. It also the sole reason why the rivers in some cities have been flowing with reddish water heavily mixed with human blood. When I remember all of these, I was closely forced to agree with my friend, while in retrospect I realize it will be too unwisely erroneous to push the blame of those ruthless atrocities on a divinely designed and Godly structured system (Religion). Something else is responsible; something yet unfathomable by either my friend or I myself. 

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